Chapter 14: I’m different, but I’m not special.

“So sorry, Onyx. I’ll talk to you later but will you excuse me for one second?” I said to Onyx while I yanked Jen’s and Ashley’s arms away from him.
“What is wrong with you? Oh my god, that was so embarrassing,” I said with frustration once we were out of Onyx’s earshot.
“We were looking out for you.” Jen said like it was obvious.
“Okay, I’m flattered that you guys are looking out for me, I appreciate it. But please don’t do that again,” I pleaded. Then, I saw Ava and Adeline rushing to us. Ava was dragging Adeline like she didn’t want to go.
“GUESS WHAT? GUESS WHAT? OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!” Ava screamed with excitement, while Adeline was rolling her eyes.
“What?” Everybody else said to Ava.
“ADELINE GOT ASKED OUT!!!” Ava grabbed our arms and jumped and screamed with her widened eyes full of joy. I guess he made the move soon, I thought with a smirk. Ashley and Jen gasped and gawked at Adeline.
“Javier Diamondfire?” I asked with a sneer at Adeline.
“How did you kn-o-w?” Adeline asked curiously.
“Earlier, he asked me if I knew you and asked me if he should ask you out. I said sure, she’ll probably say yes,” I said.
In my mind, I knew she would’ve went online and be like a stalker and know everything about him before she said yes to the date.
“I said yes, he was pretty hot,” she said as she beamed at the thought of him. We all rolled our eyes.

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